Thursday 17 December 2020

poping crystals

 today me and my siters and mum went to the crystal shop in tone and i got a lote for crystals quartz and aura dowe you have crystals

Friday 11 December 2020


my typing

 WRLT in prove typing 

so this is my test my not the best at it 

are you good at tying 

my sapper star book

 WRLT be grateful for things we reaieve  

to say thank you to the34e3 Design scott Richardson 

my book is my favourite book

what is war favourite wwf sapper star   

Friday 4 December 2020

KFC comic

 WALT right a story and here is mine 

do you write stories

Friday 27 November 2020

RKO math


 WRLT collaborate to create or interesting narrative. 
we get in bade boy and gill  and we had to write a story  here is min and scarlett 

Friday 16 October 2020

picking up rubish

 WALT : look after our environment 

To day the school went and picked up rubbish  and we pike up about 100 pieces 

and we had a play at Thompson Park and we got to drop in the bowl and we got dack to school. 

Do you pick up rubbish?

Tuesday 13 October 2020

citkit day

 WALT: keep our eyes on the ball

today I get to catch skills I played criditd  3 games with 

Alex and Zed 

have you played crikit    

Friday 11 September 2020

kn Daffefy

 daffy we got same daffy book today we all got 2 each captain underpants and star wares I like star wars

bat I don't rellay  like  captain underpants

Friday 4 September 2020


WALT do art and u sing the hole page and here is my art do you like art


my skerey moster


my re

Thursday 3 September 2020

Win math I came

 I came fest on a k hoot for basie facts 

Friday 28 August 2020

Friday 21 August 2020

kawa of care

 wilt  use your Chromebooks responsibly

Made with Padlet
waht bo you now adout chromebook

Wednesday 12 August 2020

WALT provide reasons in an argument and this is what I did I would rather be a sports star who plays football or rugby. Because they get to travel a lot all over the world. Rich world caps

Friday 7 August 2020

Wednesday 5 August 2020

kn re

wal what life was  like in ealy chrch  so we went and had a fast with cips and bickis be for we had the cipes and bichiks we had  to make 50 doles and then we can have the fest and it wais good 

Friday 24 July 2020


Walt wock  and reading I did not do it I was the  nger and It was cool

Wednesday 22 July 2020

lion and eagle

I like eagle because they can fly hi and eat fish  


Friday 26 June 2020

Te Reo Greetings

WALT: Maori greetings
I felt this was hard but I liked looking for the pictures.
Do you know any other languages greetings?

Monday 22 June 2020

kn cool math !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="960" height="569" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

Thursday 18 June 2020

star wares comic

w.a.l.t create a comic story

Friday 12 June 2020

my math

Identify hundreds, tens and ones in numbers.

this week I played a game when you go and get a friend+ and 2 dice you take and woke at the number 

Wednesday 3 June 2020


Friday 29 May 2020


Wednesday 27 May 2020

my math

  1. 37-5= 32
  2. 59-6= 54
  3. 77-4= 73
  4. 90-6=84

Wednesday 20 May 2020

my avatar


  My monster he is Orange  arms and legs He has orange all on his body He has an yellow body He has one eye  

Tuesday 19 May 2020

my maths

WALT: Count on or back to solve the missing number

Complete these follow up questions
  1. 7+ _4_ = 11
  2. 9+ _3_ = 12
  3. 19+_4_ = 23
  4. 15+ _7_ = 22 this is a nader line

my lev 3 and 4 bubble

Monday 18 May 2020

Marvel iron man

The robot sharks will attack the the Marvel Avengers

Tuesday 12 May 2020

I have a boat that turns into a submarine and it has a massive gun that shoots chickens that crash into other ships and make them sink by pecking really hard and fast. The other pirates are scared of me because I’ll shoot them. My crew is made out of basically chickens who fight and man the normal ship.

Monday 11 May 2020

The fishing trip

Spring tide means that the water goes further up the bank and the fish have room to come closer. So you don’t need to cast out as far.
On Saturday evening it was spring tide so Me, my mum and my big sister went fishing! We went down to the Avon river and we had to dress warm because mum was cold. We cut up the bait which was Trevelli (a type of fish that we got from the petrol station), cast out the fishing rods and waited. We had to wait about ten minutes and then we got some nibbles. I got nibbles first. We fished for about an hour with no luck but we will go back and try again. I enjoyed it until a creepy van pulled up, turned out they were just fishing as well.

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Anh Do books

We are sharing what we are reading.

These are my Anh Do books.
I have 10 altogether.
I like them because they are funny.
I like the scratchy covers and the pictures.

Good for 10 years and boys
One is about wrestling, One is about a ghost.
Kind of mystery stories.

Do you have any Weirdo books? What series is your favourite?

Monday 4 May 2020

Fish monster

Describe a character using adjectives.

Friday 24 April 2020

kn The Bike Ride

The Bike Ride
After breakfast me and my mum went for a bike ride. It was really foggy and I wanted to ride through the fog before it went away. It was kind of misty and we got a little bit wet. 

The fog was thick like a cake when you first poke the toothpick in. It was hard to see, when we got closer to the beach I told Mum we should wear head torches.  She said, “it’s OK we can hear the cars before we can even see them.” 
I said, “what about the people going for walks or runs.”
She thought we would still hear them.

I had heaps of fun going through the fog. 

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Camp Twinkl Lake

Plan the Year 5 camp here: T Twinkle lake camp 
2 nights accommodation $20 $20
team games $3 
Mini golf $1
Swimming free 
Orienteering free 
Total is $4
Breakfast pancakes bacon and eggs and juice $18 
Lunch hot dogs wraps juice $16
Di Dinner is spaghetti sausage us Veggies $12
Total $46

Total camp $70 

Monday 13 April 2020

cinnamon roll's

 we are   making to day we are making cinnamon rolls   and here is a recipe

Sunday 5 April 2020

Mondays bike

Start at the Beachcomber dairy on New Brighton Road.
Go right over the New Brighton Bridge, to come on to Paged Road.
Right on to Waitaki Street.
Down to Bexely Road then merge onto it.
Follow the river to the Bower Bridge.
Turn right on to the Bridge back on to New Brighton Road.
To finish at the dairy.

Friday 3 April 2020

Hot Dog

Hot Dog, Lizzie and Kev were training for game day. There were 4 teams. The entered gymnastics, relay race,sprints, long jump, archery, rowing,weights,karate and javelin. They  could win a trip to Rainbow Island, but did not win. They wanted to go there to see Kevs mum. Kev helped the other teams when they were hurt with the first aid kit, because he helped his other teammates they helped him get to Rainbow island.

Wednesday 1 April 2020



Friday 27 March 2020

Thursday 26 March 2020


The robot's name is Door. He is destroying the town. Pikachu, Raichu and Dawn Wings Necrozma go out and destroy the ugly monster. Greninja and Psyduck will standing by to help as well.

If you need help Litten, Torracat and Incineroar gx will help you if you need it to destroy him!
He throws mirrors and doors out of his hands.

Greninja needs to help us with his water circuit and his long tongue to help defeat Door.

Door calls for is reinforcements, Pika and Gold Duck. They are the the brothers of Pikachu and Psyduck.

Raichu defeats Pika and Gold Duck.

Raichu chops off Doors head accidentally with his tail and is now defeated.

Friday 20 March 2020

kn jume

Walt wish your hands, OK wish with sop  and weter 

Friday 13 March 2020



aaaaaaaaaaaa I am on the monorail,

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Playlist for roadtrip 2020

WALT: add numbers with decimals to reach 26 minutes

I found the task tricky. Because I kept on having to go back and type names of songs.
What songs would you pick?

Wednesday 12 February 2020


Friday 7 February 2020


In the tramp we had to get a trailer from  same place  it  took a lot of time to get it  on the trailer to get home it back  10 ,in. To get home it took 30 min and we started to jump of 30 min.