Monday 11 May 2020

The fishing trip

Spring tide means that the water goes further up the bank and the fish have room to come closer. So you don’t need to cast out as far.
On Saturday evening it was spring tide so Me, my mum and my big sister went fishing! We went down to the Avon river and we had to dress warm because mum was cold. We cut up the bait which was Trevelli (a type of fish that we got from the petrol station), cast out the fishing rods and waited. We had to wait about ten minutes and then we got some nibbles. I got nibbles first. We fished for about an hour with no luck but we will go back and try again. I enjoyed it until a creepy van pulled up, turned out they were just fishing as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kalem can you try reposting this so I can read it please?


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