Wednesday 15 April 2020

Camp Twinkl Lake

Plan the Year 5 camp here: T Twinkle lake camp 
2 nights accommodation $20 $20
team games $3 
Mini golf $1
Swimming free 
Orienteering free 
Total is $4
Breakfast pancakes bacon and eggs and juice $18 
Lunch hot dogs wraps juice $16
Di Dinner is spaghetti sausage us Veggies $12
Total $46

Total camp $70 


  1. This sounds like a fun camp Kalem. My favourite activity would be the swimming. What is yours?
    Mrs Judkins

  2. Hi Kalem, this sounds like a full on camp. I like the way you have set out the information. It is very easy to follow. I think the mini golf would be fun. What activity would you like most?


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