Friday 3 December 2021

The Lost Boys

 W.A.L.T Write a narrative 

This is my narrative about my friends and I in the forest: 

All I knew was that I was in a forest and I was with Alex and Zeb. We were biking. Alex´s bike tire popped  and we tried to fix it. We found a wheel and we put the wheel on Alexś bike - it was fixed!

We stopped for lunch and put our bike by a tree. When we came back the bike was gone and we saw people biking away so we chased them for 2 minutes. We lost them and found out that we were lost in this huge forest!

I said ´Lets go back to see if we can find anybody´

Zeb said ´yes so we can yeet out of here´

Alex said ´My Mum and Dad aren´t coming to find me!´ 

The boys found noone and had to and did not find a way out...


W.A.L.T Review the reading strategies that we have learnt this term.

in room 2 and 1 we have been doing hotspot and I like them. I worked really hard to finish my hotspot.


 W.A.L.T find words out of mix letters 

in room 2 we have been using our spelling skills and here the words that I found in these letters 

and here is my words 

to tad cad

 eat no boat note cat on cart car

Not at be


Thursday 2 December 2021


W.A.L.T read a monologue

In room 2 we have been learning about patience, monologues, and advent.
A monologue when you are reading something by yourself. 

Thursday 25 November 2021

God's Covenant

 W.R.L.T understand God's Covenant 

in room 2 we are leaning about Covenants they are a promise to someone from God.  

Monday 22 November 2021

jo mama

 W.A.L.T make a sculpture that is symmetrical.

This is the symmetrical shape I made.

 W.A.L.T understand the virtue of serving  .

This is the comic i made showing the story of washing the feet.

Friday 19 November 2021

JH KN Saints work

 In room 2 we are leaning about the saints me and jai have been working on this slide and I hop you in joy

the saint we are doing is saint fracas of Assisi.


Friday 5 November 2021

African Drums

 Last week we had an African man come in and he come and showed as drumming. He was from West Africa.


Poopy Plastic

 Poopy Plastic 

People litter 9 billion tons of plastic a year.

Did you know that 700 species of marine animals have been trapped in or eaten plastic?

Lots of plastic goes into our oceans but we keep buying plastic bottles!

What’s happening Plastic does not break down. We use plastic for everything like plastic drink bottles, plastic bags, spray bottles, keys on your computer, laminating and lot’s more.  It is the people's fault because they litter 9000000000000 tons of plastic! This goes into our oceans  so that is not good.

How can we fix it? We can fix it by stopping plastic bags and starting making paper bags and fabric bags. Even if we make these bags, plastic is not going down  because we are still making plastic to package stuff at the supermarket. THERE IS SO MUCH PLASTIC THERE. 

In conclusion, plastic is bad for the world and animals are dying every day  because they are eating the plastic.

That is not good so we should have no plastic packaging in supermarkets. Now at the supermarket you can buy eco-friendly plastic bags. People should use these.

Watch your Waste

 On Friday 21st October we went to the Bromley dump. At the dump we learnt about rubbish. My favourite part was making the worm bed.  

Environmental Problems

 WALT: Find problems and solutions.

This is my slide show about one environmental problem happening in our world.

Thursday 4 November 2021


 W.R.L.T Brainstorm staff 


 WALT: teach other maths problems. This is one of the maths problems I had to work out. By I counted one by one. 


 W.A.L.T Protect the planet 

We have been learning about plastic. This is my KWL chart.

Tuesday 26 October 2021

kalem and jai poster of the world

W.A.L.T Think of problems and solutions 

Today we made me and jai made this so it is a poster  so here it is enjoy 

Pope Benedict if the world can tack it will saw stop bring me so stop stating fires plz.


Friday 17 September 2021

the bag

W.R.L.T writing with my imagination  

 I woke up opened my eyes where am I? I am at a big island and then I started to walk and I found a bag 

then I opened  it and then I found a smg and then I found some amow no food bam so I start to walk. Arand I found a nather bag and some food!!!! So I a tree it is a botfillel so I set up camp.

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Friday 10 September 2021

The Cat Ninja Book

 WALT: understand by identifying events from the plot

Here is some of my work that I did to today and you have to read the book. And then you take the quiz and my quiz score is 63    

I did it on epic 

Have you ever had to do it?

Wednesday 25 August 2021

my jelly fish

 W.A.L.T to describe a animal   

today I wright same thing about a jellyfish  and her it is 


Tuesday 17 August 2021

R.E it find the Big word for kids

 W.A.L.T Find verses in the bible 

Here is a video I made hope you enjoy. 

you can remember -  people  clean vacuums 


W.A.L.T Reflect on exciting experiences.

On Tuesday Emma Twigg came to our school NBC, Rico's auntie. She is a gold medal Olympian we got to  touch the medal. I performed in the kapahaka. 

Friday 6 August 2021

Should children play sports?

W.A.L.T Share our own thoughts about kids playing sport 

This is a slideshow that I made with Zeb. It is about why children should play sport. 


Thursday 5 August 2021

White Hat

   WALT: Make connections to texts

In room 2 we have been learning about the Olympics. We had to make a hat and put facts about the Olympics


rEd hat booyyy

 W.A.L.T: Find feelings of sports

In Room 2 we have done red hats. We had to write our feelings about sport.

Emma Twigg

W.A.L.T   Make connections to texts 

 Emma Twigg Like Usain Bolt 

By Kalem

 Emma Twigg won gold at the Tokyo Olympics on Friday.  

'Winning was a dream come true' 

As twigg came first and she won by a big lead. She won by being a whole boat  ahead.

Twigg was born on 1st March 1987. Twigg is a proud kiwi  and she has a nephew called Rico. 

In conclusion she won gold and she trained a lot.

Tuesday 3 August 2021

The Boy With Wings

W.A.L.T Reflect on our experiances 
In room 2 we were lucky enough to have people come and put on a show the boy with wings. In the show 
there was a boy name Jack and he was on a journey to find treasure. 

Have you seen it? 


Friday 2 July 2021




Wednesday 30 June 2021

Book review

W.A.L.T Write a book review 

 “We thought it would be easy being nice to Blob” 

David Williams has written a lot of books, Billionaire Boy is one of them. 

This is a book about money and toilet paper. In this story Joe´s Dad made toilet paper and Joe went to a posh school. Joe didn't like his school because they call him Bum fresh Boy. He didn't want to go to his posh school so he tried a different one. At the school they don't know he´s rich... 

I liked this book because it was funny and the characters were cool.
I would rate this book ⅗. I think if  people are aged 8 to 14 then they should read this book.

One of the characters was Joe. He was rich; he had millions of dollars and a mansion. Joe does´t have a friend... 

In conclusion, I think that Billionaire Boy is a good book and you must read it!!!!

Friday 11 June 2021



Thursday 3 June 2021


 W.A.L.T  do fraction for maths  

 so we had ti do it so we did ti and it was fun there wore videos 

have you did a  fraction

Thursday 27 May 2021


 W.A.L.T work out factions  for maths 

there wore videos and maths and it was fun and it had drift fractions same I have not seen before 

and so times there a reward like lurch elegy  

do you like to do fractions.

Monday 24 May 2021


W.A.L.T  to be trustworthy

Here is a  animation  of being  trustworthy. Fox and I made the animation,  

Friday 21 May 2021

Haiku autumn leaves

 W.A.L.T write haiku about Autumn leaves 

 Here is my  haiku. We went outside and played in the leaves to get ideas. Have you written a haiku? 

Some leaves fall off trees,

The leaves are all colourful,

Leaves crash like fire,

Friday 14 May 2021

Refugee Walk

W.A.L.T write a brief recount 

On Monday the Senior syndicate went to the red zone. On the way Mr Gray blew the whistle and then we found cover. I pretended to be a tree. We got to the river bank and Mr Gray found some  people in the bushes. If we did not find cover  we would have been dead. We got the results and went for a run. We  went to the house can I groups and we went to a Teacher 

For activities first off we had to build some shelters and then went onto games. We had to go onto the border tried to get through to the other countries. If you weren't didn't solve the puzzle you weren't allowed in bat solved and then we went  to go eat some rice yum in my tum and then we started the travel back. Wake up back to school and morning tea.I liked the walk it was awesome!

What would be your favourite activity? 

Friday 16 April 2021

The. Blazing Holy spint

We have been learning about the Holy spirit.

New Brighton Catholic School!

 W.A.L.T informative reports  

In room 2 we have been researching and learning about New Brighton Catholic 

School! (NBC). We looked at time capsules,Interviewed 

Ms Daines ( the Principal) and went around the school to take notes and facts about the


I enjoyed this doing because I found out new facts about my school!

Check out my full report linked here.

Wednesday 14 April 2021

life jacket

 W.R.L.T: to explain the change in these technologies over time

in room 2 in reading we are learning to learning about

Technology over time 1911 and then 2021.

So can you see how it in proves over time?

Have you been on a boat or do you have your own boat?

Holy Week

W.R.L.T use thinking hats 

in room 2 we are leaning to use thinking hats  and we work in buddies. There had to be one year 5 and one year 6. My buddy and I did the story of Jesus rising from the dead. 

Thursday 1 April 2021

The Maori Waka

 W.A.L.T to explain the change in these technologies over time. We made a D.L.O on sumo paint here is my waka steps. The steps of making a waka are carving the tree. Then you drag it to the water and then you start to carve the waka and then put it in the water.

Wednesday 31 March 2021


 W.A.L.T. represent data in different graphs

In room 2  we have been learning about statistics. My favourite type of graph is a bar graph. 

Thursday 25 March 2021

Prayer Reflection

W.A.L.T Plan a Prayer Routine

In room 2 we created  prayer Routines.
In my group we had Zeb Jacob kyan and me.In the groups we had to have two year fives and two year 6.
My favourite  part of making the prayer  Routine was to show the class my work.My group chose Animals. 
When i showed the class my work i was really proud of it.

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Inquiry work.

W.A.L.T make connections with how different animals adapted to their environment.

I chose this Lion because....

It is really cute and cool.

I think that this could be a good guard if you lived in a mansion and you where very rich and you could keep won or 10000k.

Tuesday 16 March 2021

Spelling Hotspot

W.A.L.T Form new words

This week in my hotspot we did some spelling on the hotspot and if you get the word with all the letters you got to get chocoholic fish and I got the word!


  1. Fun

  2. Life Education 

  3. Nation

  4. Net

  5. Cat

  6. Fun 

  7. Life

  8. Education

  9. No

  10. Not 

  11. It

  12. In

  13. One

  14. Of

  15. CEO

Friday 12 March 2021


 W.A.L.T Remember the events of duffy in a recount form.


This is my recount, have you been to duffy? 

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Camp Thank You!

W.A.L.T Show our appreciation in a letter Dear Jackie,

Thank you for driving me to Arthur's Pass. Without you we wouldn't have had as much fun on the drive!

Thanks again.

Yours Sincerely.


Friday 26 February 2021

Hotspot Reflection

 W.A.L.T Reflect on our learning 

This is my hotspot 

2 things I did well: the words find and the follow up task.

1 thing i need to work on : dear- drop everything and read.


Joe Spud Acrostic Poem

W.A.L.T Describe a fictional character 

In class we have been reading Billionaire Boy. Here is my acrostic poem for Joe Spudd.






Unlikely to show off 



Billionaire Boy: Walliams, David: Books
billionaire boy

All about my time at camp

W.A.L.T Reflect on our time away .

This is my all about my time at camp . We went to Arthur's Pass for camp, and we did walks and slept ate and swam and repeat for two 2 days
have you been on camp?

hi my name is jeff

Friday 12 February 2021

hot hot spot reflection

W.A.L.T complete two things on my  hot spot 

 In my week 2 h
ot spot I was meant to do three yesterday I had road patrol so I didn't have as much time. One of my things camp shield i did a kea and a deer. 
Next time I would do more work =)

Have you completed a hot spot?

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Arthurs Pass Shield

 WALT: Use images to represent elements of personal experience and culture

next week the year 5 and 6 are arthues pass it is cold last year me, my stiuer and Dad we to Greymouth

and in the car it is cold and at night it gets -3 have you gone to Arthurs Pass