Thursday 25 November 2021

God's Covenant

 W.R.L.T understand God's Covenant 

in room 2 we are leaning about Covenants they are a promise to someone from God.  

Monday 22 November 2021

jo mama

 W.A.L.T make a sculpture that is symmetrical.

This is the symmetrical shape I made.

 W.A.L.T understand the virtue of serving  .

This is the comic i made showing the story of washing the feet.

Friday 19 November 2021

JH KN Saints work

 In room 2 we are leaning about the saints me and jai have been working on this slide and I hop you in joy

the saint we are doing is saint fracas of Assisi.


Friday 5 November 2021

African Drums

 Last week we had an African man come in and he come and showed as drumming. He was from West Africa.


Poopy Plastic

 Poopy Plastic 

People litter 9 billion tons of plastic a year.

Did you know that 700 species of marine animals have been trapped in or eaten plastic?

Lots of plastic goes into our oceans but we keep buying plastic bottles!

What’s happening Plastic does not break down. We use plastic for everything like plastic drink bottles, plastic bags, spray bottles, keys on your computer, laminating and lot’s more.  It is the people's fault because they litter 9000000000000 tons of plastic! This goes into our oceans  so that is not good.

How can we fix it? We can fix it by stopping plastic bags and starting making paper bags and fabric bags. Even if we make these bags, plastic is not going down  because we are still making plastic to package stuff at the supermarket. THERE IS SO MUCH PLASTIC THERE. 

In conclusion, plastic is bad for the world and animals are dying every day  because they are eating the plastic.

That is not good so we should have no plastic packaging in supermarkets. Now at the supermarket you can buy eco-friendly plastic bags. People should use these.

Watch your Waste

 On Friday 21st October we went to the Bromley dump. At the dump we learnt about rubbish. My favourite part was making the worm bed.  

Environmental Problems

 WALT: Find problems and solutions.

This is my slide show about one environmental problem happening in our world.

Thursday 4 November 2021


 W.R.L.T Brainstorm staff 


 WALT: teach other maths problems. This is one of the maths problems I had to work out. By I counted one by one. 


 W.A.L.T Protect the planet 

We have been learning about plastic. This is my KWL chart.