Friday 16 April 2021

The. Blazing Holy spint

We have been learning about the Holy spirit.

New Brighton Catholic School!

 W.A.L.T informative reports  

In room 2 we have been researching and learning about New Brighton Catholic 

School! (NBC). We looked at time capsules,Interviewed 

Ms Daines ( the Principal) and went around the school to take notes and facts about the


I enjoyed this doing because I found out new facts about my school!

Check out my full report linked here.

Wednesday 14 April 2021

life jacket

 W.R.L.T: to explain the change in these technologies over time

in room 2 in reading we are learning to learning about

Technology over time 1911 and then 2021.

So can you see how it in proves over time?

Have you been on a boat or do you have your own boat?

Holy Week

W.R.L.T use thinking hats 

in room 2 we are leaning to use thinking hats  and we work in buddies. There had to be one year 5 and one year 6. My buddy and I did the story of Jesus rising from the dead. 

Thursday 1 April 2021

The Maori Waka

 W.A.L.T to explain the change in these technologies over time. We made a D.L.O on sumo paint here is my waka steps. The steps of making a waka are carving the tree. Then you drag it to the water and then you start to carve the waka and then put it in the water.